Group Tegula are pleased to announce that Lee Forrest, a former employee, has re-joined the team to help run our new Reactive Roofing division.

So let’s hear from the man himself:

My Background:

I used to work for Group Tegula back in it’s early days, initially as a labourer, but worked my way up, gaining an NVQ Level 2 in Slating & Tiling, along with experience working with a wide range of other roofing materials such as Felt, Lead, EPDM and Sheeting, and Cladding.

It was a job I really enjoyed and it was only when an opportunity to work overseas, and dreams of seeing the world, dropped into my lap, that I was tempted away (the role involved installing resin floors on cruise ships).

Why I re-joined Group Tegula

I enjoyed my time overseas, gaining invaluable experience managing teams, taking responsibility for the jobs and ensuring everything was up to scratch prior to handover.

I did this for 5 years, after which I was starting to miss home, so when the opportunity came up to re-join Group Tegula, I jumped at the chance!

What I will be doing

I have re-joined Group Tegula to head up their Reactive Roofing division.

Tegula Reactive Roofing has been set up to provide our clients with a simple yet effective solution to roof maintenance and repairs.

We’ll be providing a 24/7 help desk for our reactive roofing clients, that way we can deal with issues quickly and effectively, but it’s not just about reacting to problems.

Regular maintenance is key to maximising the lifetime of your roofing. Catching problems early in order to minimise their impact, putting things right before the issue grows into something much more significant!

Exciting times ahead!