Regular surveys are key to maintaining the integrity of your roof. Catching problems early can make the difference between a simple, low-cost fix and major repair work.
Knowing what to look for is key, for example, with metal sheeting and cladding, a common roofing solution for industrial / commercial units, we carry out the following checks:
We check the appearance of each and every individual roof sheet and laps for incorrectly installed butyl tape.
We find that the lap edges corrode after time, where the factory cut edge starts to delaminate the plastisol coating (cut edge corrosion), and if left untreated, this can result in reverse side corrosion where the corrosion travels up the underside of the sheet and becomes untreatable. Then the only option is to fully remove the corrosion by cutting the corroded area away and replacing it with new sheeting, sealed to the existing sheeting using a liquid waterproofing application.

We check for failed fixings and washers, i.e. rusted and perished. If this is the case we recommend changing the fixings and washers to eliminate any water ingress in the future. If left untreated this can result in corrosion not only to the over sheet but also to the internal side purlins and steel framework. Electrics etc.
We check sky lights for damage, as they can become weak and brittle over time, with the constant exposure to UV light, which eventually causes them to fail. We would always recommend replacing them before they become too damaged. Again, all fixings, washers, and butyl tape are examined for signs of failure/perishing.
All roof penetrations are also examined, for example, dektites for heating flues, ventilation units, and ducting along with the flashing details to eves, ridges, and all parapets.
The gutter system is another key area when it comes to ensuring the integrity of a sheeted roof, whether steel or cement fibre. Common areas of failure include the gutter joints and outlets, basically, anywhere there is a lap or fixing point.
Get in touch
We offer a wide range of products to solve these issues, from small leak repair to full-scale re-roof and gutter re-line, we can help.
So, if you’d like to know more about the services we offer, please give us a call on 0191 519 1133, send an email to, or use the form below.
We look forward to hearing from you.