To deliver long-lasting roofing solutions, that consider our planet…


We at Group Tegula are proud partners of Alumasc Roofing, and as partners, we share the brand’s values of:

  • Protecting and reciprocally giving back to the environment
  • Behaving responsibly and ethically
  • Putting people at the heart of what we do

For both us at Group Tegula and our partners at Alumasc Roofing, it’s about being as ethically responsible as we possibly can, and giving back to the planet as much as we can. Every industry has its ‘green’ issues – that is, every industry is faced with different challenges on the road to being environmentally friendly. In order to have as little negative impact on the Earth as possible, we, as partners of Alumasc Roofing, work in tandem to focus our combined efforts on three principles:

  1. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
  2. Energy Management and Carbon Footprint
  3. New Product Development Evolution

As Registered Contractors of Alumasc Roofing, and on the eve of the launch of their new Alumasc Roofing Brand, we here at Group Tegula are proud to share and propagate these messages with the aim of a future where we give back as much as we take – a green, sustainable future – as we believe this is our responsibility as leaders in our industry.